Discover how it works
Step 1
Granular skill gap analysis
Step 2
Personalised learning plans
Step 3
Live, hands-on 1-hr micro-workshops with an expert
Step 4
Measure impact
We start by assessing the team — building a detailed skill fingerprint of each person, and identifying any skill gaps.
Sign Up
Step 2: Personalised learning Plans
Each team member gets a personalised plan for which micro-workshops they should join. We build this by looking at the intersection of the skill gaps identified, and your priorities.
This ensures they don’t waste time learning things they already know, or things that you don't care about.
Step 3: Live, Hands-on micro-workshops
Micro-workshops typically last 45-90 minutes and are led by expert practitioners (i.e. the typical profile of our session leaders are Staff Engineers / Fractional CTOs who have specialised in a technology). Workshops are run in small groups, and everyone joins directly from their calendar, with no scheduling admin for you.
Step 4: Measure Impact
We measure the impact of our micro-workshops through learner feedback, manager feedback and code metrics. See our case studies on improved cycle time, bug fix time, retention, and through-put.
View Case Studies